David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

April 7th, 2007 at 12:18 pm

Building A House!

in: Personal

I haven’t written a personal post yet, so if you’ve followed this blog, you probably think I’m going to talk about “building God’s house” or something church related.  Actually, I haven’t talked about religion either — I created this blog to talk about technology, and I plan to stick to that.  Mostly.  From what I’ve read, blogging about personal details helps you to connect to readers and keep them reading.  But really, I’m just excited!

Last night, my wife and I signed the paperwork to build a new house!  We’ve been looking at houses for several months, but when we looked in a community recently at a couple of houses, we stopped by the sales office and discovered that for the same price as some of the homes in the community that were already built, we could build a bigger home the way we wanted it!  This is because they were running a spring special to kick off the sales season.  We liked the model, which was of exactly the house we could afford, that we went back yesterday (Monday was our initial visit) and signed the deal!  Around six months from now we should have a new house!  We know we’ll get the mortgage, we already have an approval from when we were searching and bid on a HUD house at one point.  We’ll use the builder’s mortgage company because they give us 6 points for doing so (for upgrades/closing costs/etc.), and we can use the extra boost.

Gotta run, busy Saturday! But I’m excited!

  • 1

    […] didn’t see it until Thursday evening, but on Wednesday our new house was framed! It’s really awesome to see the slab go on the dirt, but it’s just started […]

    It's Been Framed! on June 9th, 2007
  • 2

    […] being out of our apartment! I haven’t posted much about the house building process (just once at the beginning and once when they framed it, and I never even posted pictures!) here but it has been an exciting […]

    Our House Is Almost Ours! on September 11th, 2007