David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

» Currently browsing: Websites

Palm Centro and GoDaddy SSL Certificates: Fixed!

September 16th, 2009 at 12:25 pm » Comments (3)

We have many Palm phones running Palm OS, in particular we have a lot of Palm Centros although we have some other models as well (but they all run Palm OS, not Windows Mobile). We’ve had GoDaddy SSL certificates for a while for our Exchange 2003 server. Until now, I’ve never had an issue with […]

WordPress 2.7 released!

December 11th, 2008 at 2:00 am » Comments (7)

I’m coming out of my blog-slumber long enough to mention that WordPress 2.7 is out today! I’ve been running it on this blog since early betas and it totally rocks. The admin redesign (yes, again) is even better than last time, by far, and there is no reason not to upgrade right this minute! (Well, […]

JesusGeek Podcast Interviews Me about WordPress for Church Website

May 5th, 2008 at 11:16 pm » Comments (7)

Given that I’ve never been interviewed before, I’m probably taking the risk of sounding incredibly dumb in public (well, I took that risk already but now I’m doing more damage by telling you about it!) by mentioning that I was interviewed for the JesusGeek Podcast. John Wilkerson, aka Jesus Geek, was interested in how we […]

If you don’t want to hear from people, just say so

April 27th, 2008 at 3:36 am » Comments (5)

OK so this is a little nitpicky, but it’s got me slightly annoyed with Scholarpedia because they don’t appear to publish any contact information. Here’s how I got there in the first place (why do I tell you? To confuse you, of course!): Through a chain I won’t make you follow (and probably couldn’t recall), […]

New Lakeview Church Website Launched

February 10th, 2008 at 1:05 pm » Comments (1)

Yesterday. 11:30 am. After around 20 hours of work for me since Friday, and more if you count the volunteer who helped out and all the content my wife helped add over this past week, and plenty more hours from several people for the past eight months, the new, updated Lakeview Church website launched! The […]


December 31st, 2007 at 4:04 pm » Comments (0)

End of the Year And thus 2007 comes to a close, with a not-so-subtle nod to HTML/XML closing tags. Which is fitting; I’ve spent a good chunk of time with the church websites this past quarter. The results aren’t public yet, but things are moving along. (There’s a poll to take at the end of […]

Church IT Roundtable Pre-Dinner, Wednesday Recap, and More!

October 4th, 2007 at 12:27 am » Comments (3)

I’ve taken around 300 photos while at the Church IT Roundtable at COR, but I haven’t had time to sort them out and post a lot of the good ones. I did, however, upload fifteen of them (so far) to a new CITRT set on Flickr that I took of the tables eating dinner courtesy […]

PassPack Your Passwords: Get Them Anywhere, Securely and Freely

August 13th, 2007 at 1:08 am » Comments (4)

I discovered a service called PassPack. The basic premise is this: Create an account, store all your passwords in it, log back in as-needed to retrieve them. “But wait!” you might say, “that’s stupid, why trust a random website to secure your passwords, just run one of the countless free Windows apps to store your info, and a lot of them will even automatically log you in via your web browser to websites.” Normally, I’d agree with you. But PassPack is doing things a bit differently…