David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

May 22nd, 2007 at 2:28 pm

Podcasts that Rock

I used to listen to music in the car during my commute. I’d switch to talk radio occasionally for a change. What I’m really passionate about however is technology. None of the boring radio stations around here carry much technology-related radio for some reason. I think it’s an untapped market (OK, maybe it’s too small of a market…but Id’ listen!). Well, who cares now!? There are plenty of podcasts (or netcasts, if you prefer) available to make the commute something to look forward to (the house we’re building is closer to church, but I’m a little sad I’ll lose podcast-listening time! Can’t wait for the gas savings, though!). I try new ones out occasionally, but as it is I can scarcely keep current on the ones I listen to regularly. And that’s why I’m writing: to pass along the gems I’ve found; maybe you’ll like them, too. (All are available in iTunes’ podcast directory; search to find!)

Technology ‘casts:

  • In The Trenches with Kevin Devin & George Starcher
    An excellent, long-running podcast about technology and technology careers.
  • Casting From the Server Room with Matt, Bill, Rich, DJ, or some combination thereof
    A technology-in-education podcast with news, tips, discussions, and rants. Very enjoyable!
  • Church IT Podcast hosted on TalkShoe.com by Jason Powell of Granger Community Church
    Get people working in Church IT together for a twice-monthly conference call, and record it. Awesome! And it’s the only podcast (currently) on which you can hear yours truly once in a while.
  • Church IT Discuss hosted on TalkShoe.com by Jeffrey from IT Discuss.
    I haven’t had a chance to listen to the first episode of this discussion but it’s on my list!
  • Security Now! with Steve Gibson and Leo LaPorte, from the TWiT (This Week in Tech) network
    Steve talks personal computer security with host Leo. Entertaining if not 100% accurate all the time. Steve has his detractors, but he and Leo put on a well-polished, entertaining show — and I learn something new every episode. Steve has a knack for simplifying complex topics in terms suitable for an end-user. This was the first podcast I ever listened to, and I’ve heard nearly every episode.
  • Daily GizWiz with Leo LaPorte and Dick DeBartolo, from the TWiT (This Week in Tech) network
    Leo and Dick are a slick comedy-and-technology team, bringing a short (10-20 min.) daily dose of gadget. Hilarious!
  • CyberSpeak Podcast with Bret and Ovie
    Hosted by two former federal agents who investigated computer crime, this is a technology Podcast covering Computer Security, Computer Crime and Computer Forensics Topics.
  • A Day in the Life of an Information Security Investigator by Security Monkey
    The blog is better than the occasional podcast, but both are excellent and entertaining (and downright funny) for anyone interested in computer security and investigations. I couldn’t find a podcast website, so the link is to the RSS feed.
  • Network Security Podcast by Martin McKeay
    Martin loves security and is the new Cobia product evangelist, but he keeps his own blog and podcast separate and both are very interesting.
  • Run Your Own Server with Gekitsuu, Thud314, and Segmental
    Nice topical cast with useful information on running your own web server, primarily Linux-based. Plenty of useful tips and good conversation.
  • Security Catalyst with Michael Santarcangelo
    Michael is doing some great work in the security field, especially with security awareness and training.

Christian non-technology ‘casts:

Other ‘casts:

  • Manager Tools with Mark Horstman and Michael Auzenne
    Mark and Michael do topical casts based on their years of experience training managers in management. I’ve picked up a bunch of tips from this podcast and they are very entertaining as well.

That’s most of ’em, at least the ones worth mentioning (this post is called Podcasts that Rock after all). If you can keep up with that list and still have time for more, you live too far away from work or you have way too much time on your hands! Or maybe you work somewhere you can listen to podcasts all day.

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    I suppose I should post a disclaimer to my post — most of the podcasts above are pretty clean, most of the time. However, many of them are secular and some will occasionally use some family-inappropriate language. It’s usually few and far between, but depending on the ‘cast you might want to censor around the kids if you listen around them.

    David Szpunar on May 22nd, 2007
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    driving home…

    It’s interesting to me to hear about the different ways that people use their commute time. My husband is addicted to podcasts. I know other people like to listen to audio books, and many people spend time on their cell phones.ร‚ย  Finally, there…

    The life of a librarian on August 30th, 2007
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    […] to CD (fitting as many as possible in each playlist and labeling each disc) is a royal pain. The podcasts I listen to are good enough to be worth the effort, and I’ve patiently waited for over a year to have the […]