David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

May 23rd, 2007 at 11:52 am

MozyPro Exchange and SQL Apparently Resolved

I wrote yesterday that MozyPro wasn’t finding Exchange or SQL files when I selected those backup sets. I called MozyPro yesterday for support, and their Lead Support Engineer got back to me within a half-hour or so (I didn’t time it exactly) with some things to try. The first one worked; I had to edit the backup set and select the folders with the Exchange and SQL data stores manually. I expected MozyPro’s client to find these data stores by selecting the preset Backup Sets just like the other pre-installed Backup Sets do, but that didn’t work in this case. I don’t know if it normally does or if you always have to select the locations manually. I would assume the client could at least check the registry for Exchange and SQL Server and figure out where the data files were located, since on servers it’s common to install these data stores in non-standard locations to balance disk activity over multiple spindles.

The backup size went from 2.2 GB (already backed up) up to another 14 GB of stuff to back up; a lot of that is the Exchange store but SQL isn’t tiny. Because I’m throttling the uploads during the day very heavily, it will probably take maybe a week (total guesstimate) to finish the initial backup, although it may be less as I’ve gotten up to 900 kbps overnight with my first test. Hopefully I won’t run into the SQL issue Jason’s discovered, but I don’t see any indication of that yet. Kudos to MozyPro for excellent and fast support, though!

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    […] My main problem is…no asset tracking or inventory management are included. I agree that Ian Landsman, the HelpSpot creator, has some good points when I asked about this on his forums. And the response time (to my question along with the others listed, as well as to my trial setup request) shows me that support is excellent, which makes high quality, fast support a two-for-two find recently if you include MozyPro. […]

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    MozyPro: Working Now with One Last Fix…

    MozyPro required one last change to work properly, after hanging during the initial backup: changing the temporary files directory per Jason Powell. I’ve had to do this on both of the servers where I’ve installed MozyPro, due to the C driv…