David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

July 2nd, 2007 at 8:00 am

Pray for My Dad, Please

in: Personal

If you would pray for my dad today I’d appreciate it. I’d rather not explain the situation (long, complicated history) but my family really, really appreciates the prayers! Thanks.

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    My Dear Friend, I did pray for the wellbeing, good health and happiness of your father.
    Dont you worry, god is great.

    DNS Siva Kumar on July 3rd, 2007
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    Thank you and everyone for your prayers…everything worked out as well as could be expected yesterday. My family and I really appreciate the support!

    David Szpunar on July 3rd, 2007
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    Please pray for my Dad! He has been a diabetic for some years now, but since my step-mom passed in Nov.2009 my dads health has began to decline. He has also taken on some new problems such as lost of memory,depression,consecative minnie strokes,and blood sugar dropping.
    Please,Please,Please pray for my Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rhonda Hall on March 26th, 2010