David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

July 31st, 2007 at 12:57 pm

Pastor Nathan LaGrange Gets Absorbed

Pastor Nathan LaGrange is the Worship Leader at Lakeview Church, and he’s also the former college-age pastor. He’s also an all-around around awesome guy, and the pastor who married my wife and me almost two years ago! I guess if I had to play a hypothetical “favorite pastor” game (not that I would generally recommend that), I’d probably pick him. Anyway, my lengthy introduction finally brings me to my point: he’s blogging! He started late last week, but I figured I’d wait to announce it until I had a chance to get all the cool FeedBurner redirects and other plugins tweaked correctly on his WordPress blog :-) It’s called Follow The Lion (it was called Get Absorbed but the name has been changed), and I have it on good authority that he’s contemplating adding a podcast as well when his fingers start to get tired. This guy’s insightful as he–, um, all get out, and you have my strong personal recommendation to take a look and give him the reader boost encouragement to keep posting, and also put all the statistics plugins I set up for him to good use! Just don’t expect any IT stuff — his spiritual-relational posts should balance out my technology posts pretty well.

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    Wow David…thanks for the plug and the kind words. If I was building a Fortune 500 ministry, you would be the IT king. You’ve taught me a ton…stay ahead of the curve. Just curious…Is it a t-shirt and jeans day?:)

    Nathan on August 1st, 2007
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    You’re welcome…and it’s a collared-shirt and khaki shorts day :-)

    David Szpunar on August 1st, 2007
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    infotech.lakeviewchurch.org, how do you do it?

    Eliseo on March 10th, 2010