David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

September 17th, 2007 at 4:40 pm

Sitting In the House

in: Personal

I’m sitting in our house, on the empty floor in our bedroom. We painted on Saturday and Sunday, about eight hours a day of actual painting, but a lot more than that with everything else factored in. This left no time to actually move much, except the load we took each morning from our apartment to the house in my brother-in-law’s pickup truck, and the load my mom and I made last night from which I got back to the apartment to sleep at after 1 am. My wife had to run to work for a meeting this morning so I watched my son, and then we spent all afternoon trying to figure out why he was crying all the time (nothing seemed to calm him down) and trying to figure out how to get the rest of the big furniture moved by the end of tomorrow.

So, on day two of my unplanned time off tomorrow, the plan is to finish painting the one bathroom that didn’t get painted, and the one ceiling that didn’t get painted. Also to move smaller boxes and prepare the furniture to be moved by some local movers we hired who are coming tomorrow evening. And clean the apartment so we can turn in the keys. And a few other things I’m too tired to remember.

But the exciting thing today? Our phone and DSL internet work! It only took me an hour and a phone call to AT&T to get the DSL functional but it’s up and running and what I’m using to write this. Much more speed and signal strength than the random open access point I had found (shhh!). Still no cable, which is supposed to be in by 5 pm but they only have 20 more minutes and thus confidence is not being exuded.

But the paint looks great (even if my arms will fall off if I attempt to paint another ceiling — that means they’re falling off tomorrow!), and we’re happy to finally have a house. Now, if I can just get my paper written tonight (due tomorrow night) while my wife’s at work and my mom watches my son, I’ll be all set. Until Thursday night when more homework is due that I have not yet begun!

Nope…no pictures yet…you think I’ve had time to download pictures from my camera? I’ve barely had time to take any! (And not many, at that.)