Yep, still All House, All The Time. Which is how it feels in real life, too, not just this blog! We are finally moved completely out of our apartment and into our house. The keys were turned in to the apartment drop box this evening after all the rest of our furniture was moved and the last few boxes (and bags) brought over.
So tonight is the first night we sleep in our house. We’re exhausted, and boxes are everywhere, there is still more work to be done than I can comprehend right now, and I finally got my paper draft turned in for my class about four minutes before the deadline tonight. Tomorrow evening: do homework due Thursday night. Unpack and organize more stuff. Get curtain rods and put up curtains and shades. Sleep. Not necessarily in that order.
Tomorrow during the day: Try to do three days of work in one. Not likely to happen, but I’ll have fun trying. Or I’ll fall asleep trying, which is more likely. Fortunately, my work keyboard is a nice, ergonomic Microsoft Natural keyboard with a big wrist-rest. If I can position myself correctly, my forehead will be cushioned by this when I fall onto it, asleep. Let’s hope.
The Church IT Roundtables at Granger Community Church in Granger, IN on Sept. 26th and at Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City, MO on Oct. 3-4 are fast approaching, and I’m going to both of them! I’m looking forward to attending them both. No time to link to them both tonight, but if you can’t find them via Google or other Church IT blogs, you don’t deserve to work in Church IT. No, really. Exceptions granted on a case-by-case basis, post your reasons :-)