David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

September 24th, 2007 at 12:02 am

GCC Church IT Roundtable is this Wednesday

This Wednesday, I’m heading up to Granger, IN to the Granger Community Church Church IT Roundtable. It’s the week before the big one in Kansas City (registration closes today!) and should be a good, smaller group that I’m looking forward to hanging out with for the day. And, although I’m sure I will be sad to go home that evening, I get to look forward to seeing Jason and probably several others at in Kansas City in October!

Jason Powell has asked that GCC Roundtable attendees bring a topics list to discuss, so I have to think of some stuff for that. It’s not coming up with topics that will be a problem, it’s finding the time to actually make a list! Between Roundtables, some website work (sorry, I know I promised a post about this, but I’m too much in the middle of it to write about it yet), moving (spent five hours doing almost-the-last painting today!), and schoolwork (which I need to get ahead on this week so I can have fun at the Roundtables), it’s been and continues to be crazy. At least I’m having fun with just about everything; I just wish I could add hours to the day. But who doesn’t want that? I guess I’ll settle for going to bed right now, rather than at 4:30 like last night :-)