David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

November 8th, 2007 at 5:33 pm

Ministry Technology Institute “Went Live”

I say the Ministry Technology Institute “went live” because it opened last month, and I was too busy with school (ironically, I suppose) to notice! Nick and Steve, two great guys I got to know much better at the recent (not that they feel recent any more!) Church IT Roundtables, have done a great job pulling together this program since the original announcement. They were kind enough to honor me with an invitation to be on the MTI Advisory Board, which I have accepted. They even force me (at gunpoint!) to write a bio. OK, not at gunpoint, but I recall a nice friendly reminder email :-) Sadly, I think the bio there is probably better than the About Me page here…anyway, the program has limited availability and the price will go up in future classes, so apply now if you’re interested. $1500 for all the classes they’re offering, over a year, is a pretty good price! They have a course list on the site along with application materials.