Brett and I had a great time hanging out, eating lunch (thanks!), and taking a tour around Lakeview on Wednesday! Brett is the full-time Church IT staff member located closest to me that I know personally, and I didn’t even realize until Tuesday that he worked at a church (Christian Life Center) that my wife and I drive past on I-70 every time we visit my in-laws! Trying to keep track of where everyone is located when I meet them online or at a Church IT Roundtable or conference is not an easy task, and seems to happen one person at a time for me. Maybe there’s a better way to solve that. I have some ideas, but they’re not fully developed yet.
My only complaint about Brett’s visit was that it was too short! I’ll have to reciprocate at some point and we can continue the conversation. This is Brett’s church (I flew the helicopter over for the shot myself; looks great from my Treo’s camera doesn’t it? ha ha, just kidding–it’s from the camera on my Nokia N800! :-D