David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

May 11th, 2008 at 6:25 pm

My Three Awesome Moms

in: People

Well, it’s Mothers Day again. It didn’t used to be quite as big a deal as it is now. There are two reasons for that. One is that growing up, my Dad always made sure my brother and I had something nice for our Mom for Mother’s Day, and did something nice for her. Go Dad! That was a cool way for him to help support his wife, by making sure their kids remembered and observed Mothers Day!

The second reason the day is a bigger deal for me is that in the past few years, I’ve made a dramatic jump in Mothers from one to three! First, I got married back in 2005, obtaining in the process stepmother Viv, bringing my Mom Total suddenly to two, which was twice as many as I’d ever had before! Then, fourteen really, really short, very short months later (did I mention they were short?), this awesome woman I married (some people call her Ruth, I usually call her Sweetie) added Mom to her title! (It’s arguable she became a mom about 0.75 months prior depending on how you count. Let’s just say I’ve been told I share some of the blame for her new title :-) Just because she’s not my Mom doesn’t mean she’s any less important than the others!

For now, she’s actually the most important on Mothers Day, because our son pretty much thinks every day is Mothers Day. As in, he should have the full attention of his mother every day, all day, whenever he wants it. Not as in, making or buying cool stuff and doing cool things for “Ma Ma” on a particular Sunday in May! Fortunately, he’s started to have fun coloring in the last couple of weeks and when my mom was watching him last Thursday she had him color a nice Mother’s Day card! I guess my mom’s still helping me out by getting something together for my son to give his mom :-) I’ll have to do a bit more work next year to fill my dad’s shoes and help my son figure out something as cool!

I say all this to say three things:

  1. That moms are cool, the natural ones, the in-laws, and the one you get to personally select for your kids.
  2. The older you get, the more moms you have, as a general rule.
  3. Moms deserve more than we kids and dads give them.

Thanks for reading my random thoughts about awesome Moms, on the appropriate day of the year. Of course, that day really comes every day. But at least express it well on the one everyone talks about! I’ve got all three of the moms I’m talking about here with me all this afternoon…it’s great to hang out with them all. Even if we’re alternating between hanging out, games, and taking naps!