David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

July 25th, 2008 at 11:14 am

Of the Bird in My Hallway

This morning, when I got up to leave my office and was about to leave the hallway to get to the rest of the building, I was a bit surprised to find a wren as I turn the corner, flying right over my head! This of course gave me an excuse to test out the Flip Video camera I have with me in my bag. So, here’s a YouTube video of the wren for your enjoyment on System Administrators Day (happy SysAdmin Day if you are one!):

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    So… how’d you get it out of the hallway? ;~)

    Nick Nicholaou on July 28th, 2008
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    Well, later on after the bird was tired (and about the time Maintenance was about to get a bucket to catch it), I remembered I had some empty boxes around. Also, I found the bird in the small between-doors hallway between my hallway and the lobby, so I closed the door and trapped it in there. I grabbed a recently-unpacked APC UPS box, and chased it around with the box for about 3.5 minutes until I caught it, took it out side, and let it go. Yes, I caught some of the chasing on video (but the camera was on the floor so it missed most of it at the angle it was at). No, I won’t show it to you :-)

    David Szpunar on July 28th, 2008
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    APC saves another unsuspecting benefactor! :D

    Nick Nicholaou on July 28th, 2008