I discovered a service called PassPack. The basic premise is this: Create an account, store all your passwords in it, log back in as-needed to retrieve them. “But wait!” you might say, “that’s stupid, why trust a random website to secure your passwords, just run one of the countless free Windows apps to store your info, and a lot of them will even automatically log you in via your web browser to websites.” Normally, I’d agree with you. But PassPack is doing things a bit differently…
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
» Currently browsing: Cool Tools
PassPack Your Passwords: Get Them Anywhere, Securely and Freely
Shift-ing Away From A Laptop?
I really like gadgets, electronic toys, and technology. Sorry, I mean, um, tools. Yeah, tools. Anyway — what a shock, right? Coming from a Church IT guy? Well, I see plenty of cool stuff, I have some of it, and I look forward to an occasional new toy when I can afford it. But I […]
Folder Sizes and File Duplicates Cool Tools
FolderSizes and Duplicate File Detective are a pair of utilities that I’ve tried (not bought yet) that are very useful for helping to track your file server and see who is using your disk space and where you have duplicate files stored. They are both relatively inexpensive, the demos are very informative, and the tools […]
FreeMind for Mind Mapping
I’ve finally taken a little while to play with FreeMind. It’s a useful little open source tool for organizing disorganized thinking, planning, and brainstorming. It does take a while to get the “feel” for mind mapping, which is what FreeMind does is often called, but once you grasp the non-linear layout, it turns into a […]
If only Tony had my inventory software ready
Tony Dye has an excellent post that is along the lines of my own posts here and here regarding hardware inventory. His wish list seems to communicate even better than my posts what I’d like from the inventory side of things, but I still want a helpdesk to be integrated into the same system. Some […]
Hardware Inventory and Tickets: Tried and Trying
I’ve been looking for a good hardware inventory and helpdesk ticket solution. I got two suggestions, OCSInventory and ManageEngine OpManager. I also found a post by Jason Powell about switching to ManageEngine Service Desk Plus. I have a huge amount of respect for Jason and his team, so I’ve tried out the free trial of […]
Outlook 2007 PDF Preview
(For current known solutions to this problem, see the Updates below! Thanks for visiting and making this my most popular post ever, even over a year later!) If you’re running Outlook 2007, you’ve likely noticed that you can’t preview PDF files sent to you as attachments, while you can preview most images and Office documents. […]
VisiWave Wireless Site Survey
We just put in a new core network with all-new switches, along with an extensive wireless network, as part of our new building addition program. In order to determine the best locations to place wireless access points (13 total), we needed to do a site survey. I researched several software tools, and most of them […]