We have many Palm phones running Palm OS, in particular we have a lot of Palm Centros although we have some other models as well (but they all run Palm OS, not Windows Mobile). We’ve had GoDaddy SSL certificates for a while for our Exchange 2003 server. Until now, I’ve never had an issue with […]
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
» Currently browsing: Remote Access
Palm Centro and GoDaddy SSL Certificates: Fixed!
Comcast Home Internet without the cr*pware
This morning we switched at home from 1.5Mbit AT&T DSL to 6Mbit Comcast Cable internet (yay!). I remembered from last time we had Comcast that they (like AT&T) like to send a CD that you are required to use to activate your modem, but also happens to install things that no sane IT person would […]
Remote Desktop and SSH with mRemote, free and open source
mRemote is one of my best Cool Tools finds in quite a while.รย I first heard about it from this 4sysops post comparing free RDP clients. For a long time, I thought all I needed was the built-in Windows Remote Desktop Client. I was very wrong. Sure, it’ll get the job done, if you don’t […]
iPhone has been ordered!
I ordered an iPhone 3G today! (Well, yesterday technically…on Thursday) Should be here in less than a week supposedly, and I’ve already downloaded 71 of the free applications from the iPhone App Store in iTunes, ready to install! The WordPress app is done (Matt Mullenweg posted about it) but hasn’t been put in the store […]
Using Free Wireless and VPNs
I read Tony Dye’s post on Wireless Safety: The VPN Question and wanted to share a comment. It turned into a post of its own, so I’ve moved it into one :-) Read his post first so this makes sense. If a laptop user establishes a VPN connection to your corporate VPN server, and doesn’t […]
Synergy Keyboard and Mouse Sharing App
A few weeks ago, I ran into a post (I think it was from Matt Cutts but if I saw it somewhere else, I apologize for the lack of credit) that talked about a little tool called Synergy. It hasn’t been updated since last year, but it seems to work well enough for its purpose: […]
How We’re Doing Remote Access (VPN, RDP, LogMeIn)
Mike Mayfield over at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church IT (“pvcbit”) posted a question about VPN remote access permissions. I wrote a blog post in March with a little bit of information on this relating to the Microsoft ISA 2004 firewall, but we’re actually using a combination of services for remote access right now (I mentioned […]
Traditional VPNs: Not Just All-or-Nothing Access
Most people think that when they use traditional VPN technologies, such as PPTP, L2TP, and/or IPSec, that they are opening their network to a full, unfiltered connection from a computer, which is especially bad for a home computer, with unknown anti-virus and anti-spyware status, connected to a work network. This is true. However, with a […]