The Ministry Technology Institute just had its first class yesterday afternoon! I’m on their Advisory Board and I’m also taking advantage of the opportunity to go through their classes as a good way to both provide feedback and of course, learn something new, which I manage to do just about always and everywhere. They are […]
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
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Ministry Technology’s First Class, Church IT Podcast, and IRC’s #citrt
Manual Humor
In my Technical Writing class, someone brought up the point in the discussion forums that many manuals are either to broad for a novice to comprehend, or too detailed and frustrate experts just looking for a quick reference and trying to skim. I decided to reply with an example showing how a nested list could help provide details for a novice while still being easy to skim for an expert. And, of course, I decided to throw in a touch of ironic humor since I was making up the example anyway.
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to school I go…
Well, it’s online to school, anyway. This week begins my second year (chronologically; I’m half-time so I’m still a freshman) of college. I’m taking two online classes this semester, a Technical Writing course and one on Database Design. Both appear very interesting, although fortunately they should be somewhat easy given my experience. I’m looking forward […]