RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a special format that lets computers read the content of a website, particularly a blog, without the formatting. RSS content is often called an RSS Feed, or just a Feed. Used with a Feed Reader, it’s like having an email box of new website content that you choose, to read all in one place whenever you want. And unlike email, you’re in control, not relying on someone else to send updates, or more importantly, stop sending them when want them to!
There are hundreds of feed readers out there. Just do a Google search for feed reader or look at one of the feed reader directories and you’ll find plenty to keep you busy. But why not start with the most popular, Google Reader? It’s web-based so you can read anywhere with an internet connection, and it’s very simple. Alternately, I like Mozilla Thunderbird, the email/Feed Reader companion to the Mozilla Firefox web browser. I use both, and I’ve even written a comparison of the two in the past.
It’s the only way to easily keep up-to-date with the latest blogs and news sites without visiting every site, every day, to see if they have something new.
My question is: if you’re reading this webpage and you like my blog, why aren’t you subscribed? For more info and ways to subscribe, just click here and you’ll get to a page that lets you subscribe automatically using multiple services, or just copy and paste this web address into your feed reader if you have one: If you use Google Reader, just click here.
If you don’t like it, you can always stop! (Well, unless you get addicted. Be careful, it happens!)
Thanks to Matt Singley for his post, “RSS: Try It, You’ll Like It“, which gave me the idea to write this page, and he probably makes a better argument and provides better instructions than I do so if you’re not convinced, check him out! Just don’t forget to come back and subscribe to my blog, too :-)