David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

April 3rd, 2007 at 11:16 pm

Granger today, Conference tomorrow

Today (Tue) I drove up to Granger, IN with my family to hang out with Jason Powell, Ed Buford, and Kyle Sagarsee at Granger Community Church for the afternoon! We had a blast, I learned a ton of stuff and got to see their digs first hand. Jason and the gang are one of the friendliest bunches of geeks you could want to meet, and they have some cool toys to play with. They’re level of technical excellence is a step above where I want to be at Lakeview, even though they don’t have everything figured out either (who does?).

Tomorrow, a friend (and Lakeview volunteer) and I are going to the Network World LIVE Conference in Chicago, IL. We’re both staying at a nearby hotel in Chicago tonight with our families. This has been planned for a while, but the trip to Granger was an added bonus that struck me as a good on-the-way stop. The conference will have to be pretty good to equal the benefit and experience of visiting GCC; I’m not holding my breath. It sounds very good, but visiting with other church IT folks seems to be extra special compared to “general” IT, not to knock them of course. Geeks are geeks to some extent!

Gotta get to bed ASAP now so I can make it to the conference…it’s 7:30 am to after 6 pm, so it should be a long day!

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    Glad you got to hang with us … consider our doors always open :-)

    Jason Powell on April 4th, 2007
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    David, It was nice meeting you at the NWW conference yesterday. I hope you get a chance to check out our product (and test drive the FREE VERSION) and give us some feedback. I’ll try and keep an eye on your blog as well. I’ll also send it along to one of our customers (Josh at Forest Home http://www.foresthome.org/ as he may be intested in sharing some experiences. He’s actually highlighted in our login page right now!)

    -Scot French
    Klir Technologies

    Scot French on April 5th, 2007