David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

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Using Free Wireless and VPNs

May 31st, 2008 at 11:23 pm » Comments (5)

I read Tony Dye’s post on Wireless Safety: The VPN Question and wanted to share a comment. It turned into a post of its own, so I’ve moved it into one :-) Read his post first so this makes sense. If a laptop user establishes a VPN connection to your corporate VPN server, and doesn’t […]

Is SonicWALL the Answer?

April 12th, 2008 at 8:03 am » Comments (1)

MinistryTECH and the Church IT Roundtable gave me a lot of great opportunities to gain interest in and discuss SonicWALL solutions with Mark Moreno, consultant and reseller, and SonicWALL poster children Jason Lee and Jeremie Kilgore. I must admit to being more than a little impressed with the combination of flexibility, power, and price that […]

Microsoft and Adobe Non-Profit Charity Pricing: Get It!

March 12th, 2008 at 8:03 am » Comments (20)

I often get asked by other churches, often smaller ones, for recommendations on where to buy software or hardware (but primarily software). Usually they want to purchase some Microsoft software, sometimes Adobe products as well. Both companies sell popular software that costs, well, an arm and a leg at retail! The good thing is that they offer huge discounts to churches and non-profit organizations that can prove their status with a §501(c)(3) recognition letter from the IRS…

Ministry Technology’s First Class, Church IT Podcast, and IRC’s #citrt

January 16th, 2008 at 5:16 pm » Comments (3)

The Ministry Technology Institute just had its first class yesterday afternoon! I’m on their Advisory Board and I’m also taking advantage of the opportunity to go through their classes as a good way to both provide feedback and of course, learn something new, which I manage to do just about always and everywhere. They are […]

Ministry Technology Institute “Went Live”

November 8th, 2007 at 5:33 pm » Comments (0)

I say the Ministry Technology Institute “went live” because it opened last month, and I was too busy with school (ironically, I suppose) to notice! Nick and Steve, two great guys I got to know much better at the recent (not that they feel recent any more!) Church IT Roundtables, have done a great job […]

Gmail Down?

August 20th, 2007 at 9:24 pm » Comments (1)

When I try to view my Gmail account, I’m getting a “Server Error: Temporary Error (502)” message that says: We’re sorry, but your Gmail account is currently experiencing errors. You won’t be able to log in while these errors last, but don’t worry, your account data and messages are safe. Our engineers are working to […]

New in the Church IT World: The Ministry IT Certification

July 16th, 2007 at 9:21 pm » Comments (3)

A few days ago (although I’ve just now had time to discover and read about it), Nick Nicholaou, and Steve Hewitt of Christian Computing Magazine, announced that they are starting a Ministry IT Certification! You’ve probably already heard about it from Jason Powell, but this looks like it could be pretty exciting! I’m looking forward […]

OpenDNS Does Free Adult Blocking from St. Bernard!

June 11th, 2007 at 12:00 am » Comments (9)

OpenDNS has listened to their users and released Adult Site Blocking to complement the rest of their DNS arsenal! True, ScrubIT beat them to it, but when you combine the reporting, the ability to sign up for accounts now (I still haven’t been invited to the ScrubIT beta and signed up well over a month […]

LAMP Virtual Appliance DNS Update

June 6th, 2007 at 10:23 am » Comments (3)

I posted the DNS resolution issue I encountered with the LAMP Server appliance from VirtualAppliances.net on their support forums. They’ve responded that they have yet to reproduce the issue but are working on it. I’m looking forward to getting this working, and I’ve also requested a quote from them to see what a custom appliance […]

Dell and Google pull Bad Deal

May 26th, 2007 at 12:57 pm » Comments (4)

Dell is packaging software (arguably spyware) that forces users to go through Google for search especially for typos, with all above-the-fold results being ads.  This software is separate from the Google Toolbar and more difficult to get rid of.  Based solely on the post about this over at OpenDNS, I’m not very happy with this […]