I say the Ministry Technology Institute “went live” because it opened last month, and I was too busy with school (ironically, I suppose) to notice! Nick and Steve, two great guys I got to know much better at the recent (not that they feel recent any more!) Church IT Roundtables, have done a great job […]
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
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Ministry Technology Institute “Went Live”
Lakeview’s Make You Known Worship CD Debuts Worldwide NOW!
The new Make You Known worship album was released worldwide in 166 countries today, October 30th, by Lakeview Worship on the Integrity Music label!
Gmail Adds IMAP
Thanks to Justin Moore’s post I discovered that Gmail is now offering IMAP access, for free, to regular Gmail accounts! It’s been rolled out to my Gmail account but so far, I checked one domain that’s a part of Google Apps for Domains and the option is only there for POP3 access still. No idea […]
Mozy Purchased by EMC
Thanks to Brett Anderson I just noticed that Mozy was acquired by EMC! Interesting turn of events, especially considering the very high price they sold for. I’ve never done much with EMC so I guess I’ll get some experience indirectly now at least. I’ve been using Mozy happily for a few months, after working though […]
Google Apps not Enterprise Worthy?
Mary Jo Foley at ZDnet writes an article with ten questions from Microsoft to ask (and answer) before deciding to switch to Google Apps rather than Microsoft Office in an enterprise environment. Google Docs and Spreadsheets in it’s Google Apps Premier Edition (GAPE) edition is being targeted at enterprises, and, due to the cost, churches […]
New in the Church IT World: The Ministry IT Certification
A few days ago (although I’ve just now had time to discover and read about it), Nick Nicholaou, and Steve Hewitt of Christian Computing Magazine, announced that they are starting a Ministry IT Certification! You’ve probably already heard about it from Jason Powell, but this looks like it could be pretty exciting! I’m looking forward […]
Clif Guy involved in building traffic-explosive Find Kelsey Smith website
Out of the terrible tragedy of the murdered Kelsey Smith in Kansas, Clif Guy over at The Appian Way (host of this fall’s Church IT Roundtable) has an extremely interesting post that gives a behind the scenes peek at how they built the findkelsey.com website (inaccessible to me as I write this, but it’s in […]
Google Officially Buys FeedBurner
FeedBurner has officially been acquired by Google, which has been going around the rumor mill for at least a couple of weeks. This is very cool, my main desire is to see FeedBurner subscriber counts next to my Google Analytics stats, but that’s yet to be seen. But I don’t think it’s very far-fetched. They […]