Pastor Nathan LaGrange is the Worship Leader at Lakeview Church, and he’s also the former college-age pastor. He’s also an all-around around awesome guy, and the pastor who married my wife and me almost two years ago! I guess if I had to play a hypothetical “favorite pastor” game (not that I would generally recommend […]
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
Currently browsing posts found in July2007
Pastor Nathan LaGrange Gets Absorbed
Windows SteadyState Lockdown and the Youth Internet Café
Our new youth facility now has a four-computer internet café. I’ve already written twice about my plans and research leading up to implementation, specifically about computer lockdown software. A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned briefly that we had changed course and decided to use Microsoft Windows SteadyState as our lockdown software of choice, mainly due to…
I Can Play The Merakis!
The install and test was a success! Four Meraki Mini access points are up and running at the campgrounds, providing internet access through the satellite connection (which was the weak link during our testing, being slow or down most of the time, but it was working better before we arrived so we have higher hopes). […]
Off to do some Mesh Networking with Meraki
Today I’m going up to the Assemblies of God Indiana District campgrounds with volunteer Jeroen to install and test some mesh networking made by Meraki. They just got a satellite internet connection (their only affordable option due to location) last week and need to populate the internet access to several locations on the campgrounds, probably […]
Shift-ing Away From A Laptop?
I really like gadgets, electronic toys, and technology. Sorry, I mean, um, tools. Yeah, tools. Anyway — what a shock, right? Coming from a Church IT guy? Well, I see plenty of cool stuff, I have some of it, and I look forward to an occasional new toy when I can afford it. But I […]
Whew…I’m not Egypt!
Over the past two days I noticed that my FeedBurner subscribers dropped by close to half! I thought maybe I was Egypt and people were on an exodus from my blog! Nope, it was me…on Sunday I turned off the feed redirection plugin (that sends all subscribers to my WordPress feed to FeedBurner’s feed) to […]
New in the Church IT World: The Ministry IT Certification
A few days ago (although I’ve just now had time to discover and read about it), Nick Nicholaou, and Steve Hewitt of Christian Computing Magazine, announced that they are starting a Ministry IT Certification! You’ve probably already heard about it from Jason Powell, but this looks like it could be pretty exciting! I’m looking forward […]
Double Dutch, aka IT Has A Foreign Volunteer!
We have a couple visiting from the Netherlands (from the church our choir on tour helped plant in an indirect way, over two missions trips) on vacation for a month (vacations in Europe make me a bit jealous :-) The husband’s name is Jeroen (pronounced something like “jerOOn”) and he has a web development and […]
Folder Sizes and File Duplicates Cool Tools
FolderSizes and Duplicate File Detective are a pair of utilities that I’ve tried (not bought yet) that are very useful for helping to track your file server and see who is using your disk space and where you have duplicate files stored. They are both relatively inexpensive, the demos are very informative, and the tools […]
HelpSpot Help Desk Purchase Decision
With our 45-day trial expiring this coming Monday, we’ve decided to purchase HelpSpot for use as our internal helpdesk. But wait, there’s more! We’re also going to be using the system not just for IT, but the Hospitality, Maintenance, and Marketing/Communications (MarCom) departments as well! We have yet to work out the specific details of […]