Well, it’s online to school, anyway. This week begins my second year (chronologically; I’m half-time so I’m still a freshman) of college. I’m taking two online classes this semester, a Technical Writing course and one on Database Design. Both appear very interesting, although fortunately they should be somewhat easy given my experience. I’m looking forward […]
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
Currently browsing posts found in August2007
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to school I go…
Gmail Down?
When I try to view my Gmail account, I’m getting a “Server Error: Temporary Error (502)” message that says: We’re sorry, but your Gmail account is currently experiencing errors. You won’t be able to log in while these errors last, but don’t worry, your account data and messages are safe. Our engineers are working to […]
I Finally Got my Wife to WordPress: “Check Out” Library Gal!
My wife has been a social butterfly at several social networking sites for a while, but she’s finally ready to branch out with her own WordPress blog: LibraryGal.com: The life of a librarian. Besides being a great wife and mother, she’s a librarian with a graduate education. When I want to find something, I’ll often […]
Microsoft Outlook 2007 PDF Preview – Now Part of Adobe Reader 8.1
A while back I wrote a post about a nice, free Outlook 2007 PDF Previewer plugin so you could preview PDF documents within Outlook just like the preview for images and other Office documents that comes built-in. That post is possibly my most popular entry of all time! Apparently a lot of people search Google […]
Firefox Updates and Windows SteadyState
Firefox Upgrades Interfere with Kiosks I ran into a small issue with the SteadyState/Firefox setup that was a relatively easy fix: Firefox tried to update itself and the theme when new versions came out. Why it does this as a limited user when it can’t run the upgrade (for the program itself; the theme should […]
It’s my birthday, and I’ll work if I want to…
…and if I don’t want to, for that matter! I may be another year older, but it doesn’t quite make me feel as old as having a seven-point-five month old son, or building a house that we’re closing on next month, or approaching my second wedding anniversary in October. Isn’t all this stuff what old […]
PassPack Your Passwords: Get Them Anywhere, Securely and Freely
I discovered a service called PassPack. The basic premise is this: Create an account, store all your passwords in it, log back in as-needed to retrieve them. “But wait!” you might say, “that’s stupid, why trust a random website to secure your passwords, just run one of the countless free Windows apps to store your info, and a lot of them will even automatically log you in via your web browser to websites.” Normally, I’d agree with you. But PassPack is doing things a bit differently…
And Then There Were Few
Monday and Tuesday this week we hosted one of Integrity’s Seminars4Worship conferences at Lakeview, which was well-attended and from all accounts was an even bigger success than the last time we hosted them. This time we had free wireless internet, which was well-used, and there was only once when people had some connectivity issues which I […]
No Searching Google Reader!?
Why can I not search my feeds in Google Reader? I’ve noticed over the past several weeks, every time I think “now where in my feeds did I last see x?” I can’t just pull up Reader and ask. Ironically enough, before I started this post, I decided to see what others were saying about […]
VMware Not Quite As Secure As You Might Think
I must admit I was a bit surprised by this on one hand, and not at all surprised on the other. When you understand how virtualization works, it’s easy to think “wow, that creates a nice black box, nothing could ever get out of there automatically to the host computer, or even know the host […]