As promised, a photo of our new house: Today was an excellent day at the Granger Church IT Roundtable! I’m not sure when/if I’ll have the time to post specific notes, but Brett Anderson has posted three entries of notes already. I’m still at Granger Community Church, and the Roundtable folks are filtering out now […]
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
Currently browsing posts found in September2007
Picture of House
Mozy Purchased by EMC
Thanks to Brett Anderson I just noticed that Mozy was acquired by EMC! Interesting turn of events, especially considering the very high price they sold for. I’ve never done much with EMC so I guess I’ll get some experience indirectly now at least. I’ve been using Mozy happily for a few months, after working though […]
GCC Church IT Roundtable is this Wednesday
This Wednesday, I’m heading up to Granger, IN to the Granger Community Church Church IT Roundtable. It’s the week before the big one in Kansas City (registration closes today!) and should be a good, smaller group that I’m looking forward to hanging out with for the day. And, although I’m sure I will be sad […]
First Night in New House!
Yep, still All House, All The Time. Which is how it feels in real life, too, not just this blog! We are finally moved completely out of our apartment and into our house. The keys were turned in to the apartment drop box this evening after all the rest of our furniture was moved and […]
Sitting In the House
I’m sitting in our house, on the empty floor in our bedroom. We painted on Saturday and Sunday, about eight hours a day of actual painting, but a lot more than that with everything else factored in. This left no time to actually move much, except the load we took each morning from our apartment […]
House! But No Pictures Yet
We got this house this morning at 9:30 am finally, and they aren’t charging us interest until today. We also get 1 cent per month cheaper payments…a whole $3.60 if we stay there thirty years! Anyway, been busy at work all day since then, and now I’m about to head out to dinner and more […]
The House That Is and Almost Is
Well, we went to closing at 3pm today on our new house. Everything started out fine, it took about a half-an-hour to sign all the paperwork, and another 20 minutes to “make copies” before we were told that due to some back-end stuff (everything’s fine on our end) the loan was taking a little longer […]
Manual Humor
In my Technical Writing class, someone brought up the point in the discussion forums that many manuals are either to broad for a novice to comprehend, or too detailed and frustrate experts just looking for a quick reference and trying to skim. I decided to reply with an example showing how a nested list could help provide details for a novice while still being easy to skim for an expert. And, of course, I decided to throw in a touch of ironic humor since I was making up the example anyway.
On Writing Well (it’s a book)
Trent at The Simple Dollar has an excellent review of the book On Writing Well by William Zinsser. It’s a book I need to read again; I’ve read part of it but had forgotten about it until I saw this review. It has inspired a desire to re-read the book. If I recall correctly, it […]
Our House Is Almost Ours!
Yesterday afternoon, my wife and I did our final inspection of the house that we are building. The last few things are being fixed by tomorrow, and we close later this week! This will be a busy weekend but I am looking very much forward to being out of our apartment! I haven’t posted much […]