The new Make You Known worship album was released worldwide in 166 countries today, October 30th, by Lakeview Worship on the Integrity Music label!
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
Currently browsing posts found in October2007
Lakeview’s Make You Known Worship CD Debuts Worldwide NOW!
Pictures of SteadyState Internet Cafe Computers
I’ve been promising pictures of the Youth Internet Cafe running Firefox and Microsoft SteadyState but first I forgot, then I took the pictures and didn’t upload them, then I uploaded them recently but haven’t posted yet. Oh well. They’re here now! I uploaded nine photos to Flickr, you can see them all in the Lakeview’s […]
Outlook Loses Emails: Just The Fix
The problem: Microsoft Outlook 2003 with a POP3 account works fine — except when emails are sent from a particular address just disappear. In the past several months, I’ve encountered two instances at the other office I work at (still using POP3 accounts) where Outlook sends and receives emails with no problems whatsoever, except for […]
Gmail Adds IMAP
Thanks to Justin Moore’s post I discovered that Gmail is now offering IMAP access, for free, to regular Gmail accounts! It’s been rolled out to my Gmail account but so far, I checked one domain that’s a part of Google Apps for Domains and the option is only there for POP3 access still. No idea […]
Dealing with Dual-Spousal OCP: Two Years
In honor of being married to my lovely wife for two years today, I have decided to share my secret to finding a compatible woman to marry. Specifically, if you’re both OCPs (Obsessive-Compulsive Perfectionists). (Some people might use a term with the initials AR, rather than OCP. That’s your choice.) The basic principle you must […]
On My Way Back, and Thanks!
Well, I’m at the airport with plenty of time before my flight. Because it’ delayed by almost two hours; the plane hasn’t arrived yet. I can’t find a power outlet; there’s free WiFi here (better than I can say for my hotel) but my laptop won’t last three hours. I hope everyone else from the […]
Planet CITRT, aggregated Roundtable feeds
Matt Bradshaw at COR was kind enough to set up feed aggregation to pull together the blog feeds of known bloggers at the Church IT Roundtable. You can view the feeds all together at and get the feed at (autodiscovery doesn’t work yet, so you’ll need to add that URL directly to your […]
Church IT Roundtable Pre-Dinner, Wednesday Recap, and More!
I’ve taken around 300 photos while at the Church IT Roundtable at COR, but I haven’t had time to sort them out and post a lot of the good ones. I did, however, upload fifteen of them (so far) to a new CITRT set on Flickr that I took of the tables eating dinner courtesy […]
Room B Morning Discussion Notes
I’m a part of Room B at the Church IT Roundtable, one of four individual rooms of discussion. So far, the first video sharing between the four rooms hasn’t worked yet, but we’ve had some good discussion within our room. The topics we’ve discussed so far are: Storage and backups Mozy and MozyPro for offsite […]
Whew, I’m not Jason!
Here at the Church IT Roundtable at Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City, we have about six attendees named Jason! Normally, I get stuck with various other Davids, but I’m glad to take a break and let the Jasons have their name confused instead. Looks like it’s going to be a good day!