No, seriously. Has it been a year? On February 28th, 2007, I made the first post in this blog. From no subscribers to a few (thanks to generous initial links from Jason Powell and Tony Dye) to consistently over 100 (along with thousands of web hits), it’s been quite a year! October of 2007, during […]
David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice
David's Church Information Technology
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Has it been one year already?
Brett Was Here
Brett and I had a great time hanging out, eating lunch (thanks!), and taking a tour around Lakeview on Wednesday! Brett is the full-time Church IT staff member located closest to me that I know personally, and I didn’t even realize until Tuesday that he worked at a church (Christian Life Center) that my wife […]
Brett Anderson, Live Tomorrow
Is it just me, or do my posts have a lot of “live” themes lately? Well, this one’s different at least. Tomorrow (Wed.), the Worship and Fine Arts staff from Christian Life Center in Dayton, OH are coming to visit the Worship and Creative Ministries team here at Lakeview. Apparently they know each other. Brett […]
Ministry Technology’s First Class, Church IT Podcast, and IRC’s #citrt
The Ministry Technology Institute just had its first class yesterday afternoon! I’m on their Advisory Board and I’m also taking advantage of the opportunity to go through their classes as a good way to both provide feedback and of course, learn something new, which I manage to do just about always and everywhere. They are […]
I Hate My New Office
OK, that’s a bit of sensationalism there in the headline! I actually love my new (from new building) office (bigger, with an attached workroom), but there are a few minor downsides to being located in the very middle of the building (that’s good), at least a sixty second walk away from everyone (that’s good and […]
Ministry Technology Institute “Went Live”
I say the Ministry Technology Institute “went live” because it opened last month, and I was too busy with school (ironically, I suppose) to notice! Nick and Steve, two great guys I got to know much better at the recent (not that they feel recent any more!) Church IT Roundtables, have done a great job […]
On My Way Back, and Thanks!
Well, I’m at the airport with plenty of time before my flight. Because it’ delayed by almost two hours; the plane hasn’t arrived yet. I can’t find a power outlet; there’s free WiFi here (better than I can say for my hotel) but my laptop won’t last three hours. I hope everyone else from the […]
GCC Church IT Roundtable is this Wednesday
This Wednesday, I’m heading up to Granger, IN to the Granger Community Church Church IT Roundtable. It’s the week before the big one in Kansas City (registration closes today!) and should be a good, smaller group that I’m looking forward to hanging out with for the day. And, although I’m sure I will be sad […]
Our House Is Almost Ours!
Yesterday afternoon, my wife and I did our final inspection of the house that we are building. The last few things are being fixed by tomorrow, and we close later this week! This will be a busy weekend but I am looking very much forward to being out of our apartment! I haven’t posted much […]
And Then There Were Few
Monday and Tuesday this week we hosted one of Integrity’s Seminars4Worship conferences at Lakeview, which was well-attended and from all accounts was an even bigger success than the last time we hosted them. This time we had free wireless internet, which was well-used, and there was only once when people had some connectivity issues which I […]