David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

July 16th, 2007 at 9:21 pm

New in the Church IT World: The Ministry IT Certification

A few days ago (although I’ve just now had time to discover and read about it), Nick Nicholaou, and Steve Hewitt of Christian Computing Magazine, announced that they are starting a Ministry IT Certification! You’ve probably already heard about it from Jason Powell, but this looks like it could be pretty exciting! I’m looking forward to more information when the Ministry Technology Institute site is no longer a placeholder!

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    Thanks, David! The site is up and running now, and we’re adding more content to it daily. Check it out! http://www.ministry-tech.com.

    Nick Nicholaou on July 20th, 2007
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    Very cool, I like the site design! It looks good with more than a press release, although it’s obvious that it’s just getting started from the content side of course. Giving out life experience credit any time soon? :-)

    David Szpunar on July 20th, 2007
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    […] any more!) Church IT Roundtables, have done a great job pulling together this program since the original announcement. They were kind enough to honor me with an invitation to be on the MTI Advisory Board, which I have […]