David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

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Jimmy Wales & Nicholas Carr debate at DePauw University Live Blog

March 30th, 2011 at 7:34 pm » Comments (0)

My live blog of the debate between Jimmy Wales and Nicholas Carr: (Note, the service that was hosting this post, CoverItLive, has been discontinued and is offline, so this post has no content any longer. Sorry! This was a fun day and I’m sad the record is gone!)

Using Free Wireless and VPNs

May 31st, 2008 at 11:23 pm » Comments (5)

I read Tony Dye’s post on Wireless Safety: The VPN Question and wanted to share a comment. It turned into a post of its own, so I’ve moved it into one :-) Read his post first so this makes sense. If a laptop user establishes a VPN connection to your corporate VPN server, and doesn’t […]

April Fools!

April 1st, 2008 at 4:00 pm » Comments (1)

Just in case, for some reason, you believed itร‚ย (if you did, I have some ocean real estate to sell you in Arizona, quite a good deal!), don’t. Hope to see you sometime this week if you’re attending MinistryTECH or the Roundtable :-) I’m staying in the Crowne Plaza hotel in one of the rooms Jason […]


January 2nd, 2008 at 1:18 pm » Comments (0)

Happy New Year plus One Day! I didn’t get my promised new year post out yesterday as planned. That’s OK, the day was as uneventful as this entry :-) Back to work, with more post fodder! I have another one I need to write right now; that’s one reason this is short. I’m not making […]


December 31st, 2007 at 4:04 pm » Comments (0)

End of the Year And thus 2007 comes to a close, with a not-so-subtle nod to HTML/XML closing tags. Which is fitting; I’ve spent a good chunk of time with the church websites this past quarter. The results aren’t public yet, but things are moving along. (There’s a poll to take at the end of […]

Room B Morning Discussion Notes

October 3rd, 2007 at 1:22 pm » Comments (2)

I’m a part of Room B at the Church IT Roundtable, one of four individual rooms of discussion. So far, the first video sharing between the four rooms hasn’t worked yet, but we’ve had some good discussion within our room. The topics we’ve discussed so far are: Storage and backups Mozy and MozyPro for offsite […]

Thanks to Jason Powell

February 28th, 2007 at 1:26 am » Comments (4)

Jason Powell’s blog was the “straw that broke the camel’s back” and convinced me to start this blog, which I’ve been thinking about for a while. His is so inspiring and informative that I had to add my two cents!