David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

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HelpSpot helpdesk initial impressions

May 25th, 2007 at 11:55 pm » Comments (1)

In reading some of Jason Powell’s old posts about helpdesk software, I discovered a comment by the author of a system called Userscape HelpSpot. The system has obviously gone through some changes since the original post. I haven’t seen the original, but the changes appear to be good because I really like the system! The […]

If only Tony had my inventory software ready

April 12th, 2007 at 2:01 pm » Comments (4)

Tony Dye has an excellent post that is along the lines of my own posts here and here regarding hardware inventory. His wish list seems to communicate even better than my posts what I’d like from the inventory side of things, but I still want a helpdesk to be integrated into the same system. Some […]

Hardware Inventory and Tickets: Tried and Trying

April 9th, 2007 at 12:54 am » Comments (4)

I’ve been looking for a good hardware inventory and helpdesk ticket solution. I got two suggestions, OCSInventory and ManageEngine OpManager. I also found a post by Jason Powell about switching to ManageEngine Service Desk Plus. I have a huge amount of respect for Jason and his team, so I’ve tried out the free trial of […]

Hardware Inventory and/or System History and Tickets

March 16th, 2007 at 12:17 pm » Comments (7)

I have a problem. Hardware hasn’t really been tracked here before, and I’d like to start doing that. At least at the level of desktop and/or LCD monitor, the two most costly and most likely to be “lost” items. I’ve never really found a solution for this that I like. For one, I like free, […]