David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

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Church IT Roundtable Recap Spring 2010, Saddleback Church

March 19th, 2010 at 5:35 am » Comments (0)

I attended the national Church IT Roundtable event last week, this time held at Saddleback Church around Los Angeles. I was asked by the editor of IndyGeek.net if I would write up the event and, since my blog is in transition (and somewhat unattended :-) and he asked nicely, I’ve posted the article over there. […]

Church IT Roundtable Day 2 at Seacoast

October 9th, 2008 at 12:14 pm » Comments (0)

I’ve been way to busy having awesome conversations and learning new things here at the Seacoast Fall Church IT Roundtable to actually have time to post much. Instead, the conversations in this Roundtable are hitting Twitter with the tag #citrt! Check it out!

Granger Church IT Roundtable tomorrow!

September 16th, 2008 at 11:49 pm » Comments (0)

My wife and I drove up to South Bend, IN today so I can attend the Granger Community Church IT Roundtable tomorrow! We’re staying with Justin Moore and his wife Bonnie, along with Dave Mast and his wife Jess! It’s a house full of laptops…and people of course! It’s going to be a great day […]

Fall Church IT Roundables: Be there or…don’t see me!

September 1st, 2008 at 5:00 pm » Comments (5)

I’ve gotten approval to go to the midwest regional Church IT Roundtable at Granger Community Church (organized by Jason Powell) on September 17th! I always love visiting The Jason, Ed, and now Justin Moore too! (Read about Justin joing the GCC team here, here and here.) And Dean Lisenby‘s going to be there, taking the […]

Post Roundtable and MinistryTECH Thoughts (Spring 2008)

April 11th, 2008 at 8:31 pm » Comments (0)

Both MinistryTECH and the Roundtable were, again (for the Roundtable), well worth the trip in more ways than I can express, but since this is a blog I’m sure you expect me to try anyway (I won’t disappoint). There’s always something new and different going on (this time it was some video experimentation and the […]

MinistryTECH Winding Down

April 4th, 2008 at 4:46 pm » Comments (0)

The second and last day of MinistryTECH is almost over. The tail-end of the Megachurch Tour was good on Wednesday and some of the Crown Hotel group had some good discussion both of the previous two nights in the Northwoods hotel room. Unfortunately, my throat has been pretty sore at the end of this cold […]


April 1st, 2008 at 5:18 pm » Comments (2)

I’ve intentionally stayed away from using Twitter for a while (not that I haven’t had an account!); it’s just one more thing to deal with and I already have enough profiles, blogs, and other random accounts. But it seems to be getting more popular among some Church IT bloggers, and I’m starting to miss things […]

MinistryTECH and Roundtable canceled due to weather

April 1st, 2008 at 1:09 pm » Comments (1)

The recent storms in Oklahoma have gotten so bad and caused so many issues with airport delays and other damage that it appears the MinistryTECH conference and the Church IT Roundtable have been canceled, or at least postponed to the near future. This is unfortunate, but organizer Terrell Sanders was quoted as saying, “It’s disappointing, with […]

And with that…I’m registered for MinistryTECH!

March 3rd, 2008 at 10:51 pm » Comments (0)

With one month left and heeding Tony’s warning that it’s down to the wire, I finally registered for MinistryTECH! I still have to book travel/hotel etc. but at least this takes care of the registration itself. I took care of the Roundtable registration the day it opened, so I’m at opposite ends of the spectrum! […]