David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

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State of the Blog

February 21st, 2012 at 9:45 am » Comments (0)

As you might have noticed, I haven’t updated this blog lately. I’ve been too busy to blog much at my current job, and I’ve also set up a different blog that I’m using instead of this one for new content, on the rare occasions I write! I’m still pretty heavily involved in the Church IT […]

Blog On The Run

December 4th, 2010 at 11:22 pm » Comments (0)

In February 2010, I started working atย PC Help Services and left my full-time position at Lakeview Church, although I am fortunate to have been able to continue supporting them even now. One of the great things about my new position is that I get to work with even more churches than before (including Lakeview) in […]

Changes – The Blog Falls Behind

March 1st, 2010 at 2:20 pm » Comments (0)

So I’ve been at my new job with PC Help Services for a couple of weeks now. And this blog hasn’t been updated, nor moved to a new address (this one should redirect for a while). Don’t worry it’s coming, just have to figure out where to move it and have some time to update […]

WordPress 2.7 released!

December 11th, 2008 at 2:00 am » Comments (7)

I’m coming out of my blog-slumber long enough to mention that WordPress 2.7 is out today! I’ve been running it on this blog since early betas and it totally rocks. The admin redesign (yes, again) is even better than last time, by far, and there is no reason not to upgrade right this minute! (Well, […]

Stopped Writing and Kept Working, Accumulated Miscellaneous Stuff

May 28th, 2008 at 11:46 am » Comments (6)

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve not posted much recently. Chalk it up to being busy at work and at home. Actually, part of it is that using and reading Twitter and the #citrt chat channel on IRC has sapped a lot of what I’ve had to […]

JesusGeek Podcast Interviews Me about WordPress for Church Website

May 5th, 2008 at 11:16 pm » Comments (7)

Given that I’ve never been interviewed before, I’m probably taking the risk of sounding incredibly dumb in public (well, I took that risk already but now I’m doing more damage by telling you about it!) by mentioning that I was interviewed for the JesusGeek Podcast. John Wilkerson, aka Jesus Geek, was interested in how we […]

My First “Indy Christian Geeks” Lunch

April 30th, 2008 at 8:46 pm » Comments (5)

This past Friday I attended my first Indy Christian Geeks lunch, where I was invited a couple of weeks ago by Dr. Thomas Ho from IUPUI’s Computer Information Department (where I’m currently a half-time student). I hear the group is bigger, but there were six plus me last week, and we ate at the food […]

WordPress 2.5 Beta, Baby!

March 7th, 2008 at 9:35 am » Comments (3)

I couldn’t wait for the final release. I’ve been running the WordPress Trunk development version from the Subversion repository since late December, on my laptop. I’ll occasionally update to the latest trunk revision and take a quick look in Xampp to see how progress is coming, since WordPress 2.5 includes a complete redesign of the […]

Has it been one year already?

February 28th, 2008 at 1:26 am » Comments (3)

No, seriously. Has it been a year? On February 28th, 2007, I made the first post in this blog. From no subscribers to a few (thanks to generous initial links from Jason Powell and Tony Dye) to consistently over 100 (along with thousands of web hits), it’s been quite a year! October of 2007, during […]

Typed LIVE on the Nokia N800!

January 29th, 2008 at 10:49 am » Comments (5)

As promised, this post is coming to you from my new Nokia N800. When I received it on Saturday the 19th, I immediately spent the entire rest of the day examining it and testing it in many ways. Like Christmas in January! I was so busy playing with it, I neglected to post about it […]