David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

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Church IT Roundtable Recap Spring 2010, Saddleback Church

March 19th, 2010 at 5:35 am » Comments (0)

I attended the national Church IT Roundtable event last week, this time held at Saddleback Church around Los Angeles. I was asked by the editor of IndyGeek.net if I would write up the event and, since my blog is in transition (and somewhat unattended :-) and he asked nicely, I’ve posted the article over there. […]

Old and New: Major Life Transition

January 27th, 2010 at 4:43 am » Comments (15)

I’m excited, nervous, and sad all at the same time. And busy. I’ve decided to leave my awesome, comfortable, flexible, almost-7-year job/family of seven years (as an employee, my family will still be attending Lakeview) and jump into a scary, new position with a small-but-growing local IT service company. Why? Well, Lakeview is running smoothly […]

Adobe Changes Licensing, Causes Non-Profit Scare, Probably OK Though

September 29th, 2009 at 4:12 pm » Comments (6)

A tweet yesterday from James Edwards (which led to a discussion and a series of tweets) got me a little scared about the future of Adobe Non-Profit Pricing that I’ve written about before. Then today I got an email from Adobe with the subject “Notice of new volume licensing program and temporary Adobe system shut […]

WordPress 2.7 released!

December 11th, 2008 at 2:00 am » Comments (7)

I’m coming out of my blog-slumber long enough to mention that WordPress 2.7 is out today! I’ve been running it on this blog since early betas and it totally rocks. The admin redesign (yes, again) is even better than last time, by far, and there is no reason not to upgrade right this minute! (Well, […]

iPhone 3G Power Adapters Recalled

September 21st, 2008 at 1:05 am » Comments (0)

No huge length post here but if you have an iPhone 3G, they are recalling most (all in the US and in many other countries) of the power adapters. You can read about the recall and how to get a replacement, which has a link for a web form to submit your recall request or […]

Google makes its own web browser called Chrome

September 2nd, 2008 at 2:14 am » Comments (3)

UPDATE on Sept. 2, 2008: Chrome beta has been released. Find it at http://www.google.com/chrome. Yep. That’s right. In case Firefox, Opera, and Safari all don’t satiate your burning desire to be rid of Internet Explorer (even if it is improving with age, after it started to ripen at least), Google said they are releasing the […]

iPhone has been ordered!

July 18th, 2008 at 1:15 am » Comments (1)

I ordered an iPhone 3G today! (Well, yesterday technically…on Thursday) Should be here in less than a week supposedly, and I’ve already downloaded 71 of the free applications from the iPhone App Store in iTunes, ready to install! The WordPress app is done (Matt Mullenweg posted about it) but hasn’t been put in the store […]

Security Breach by ID Theft Hits Close to Home

April 18th, 2008 at 9:25 pm » Comments (1)

A server was stolen from a debt-collection agency in Indianapolis last month, which meant 700,000 names, addresses, phone numbers, and of course, social security numbers are out there. It’s supposedly the largest computer security breach in Indiana history. Given the fact that it’s a debt-collection agency that lost the records (which were supposedly “protected by […]

MinistryTECH and Roundtable canceled due to weather

April 1st, 2008 at 1:09 pm » Comments (1)

The recent storms in Oklahoma have gotten so bad and caused so many issues with airport delays and other damage that it appears the MinistryTECH conference and the Church IT Roundtable have been canceled, or at least postponed to the near future. This is unfortunate, but organizer Terrell Sanders was quoted as saying, “It’s disappointing, with […]

WordPress 2.5 Released Today

March 29th, 2008 at 1:51 pm » Comments (2)

The long wait and delays are finally over (not that they were that bad to begin with) and WordPress 2.5 has been released, as of today (the official blog post announcing it was made less than one hour ago), along with a new WordPress.org website design! There are numerous blog entries around the web with […]