David Szpunar: Owner, Servant 42 and Servant Voice

David's Church Information Technology

November 24th, 2007 at 6:05 pm

Crunch. I Finally Own Something From–Apple!

I finally did it. I can’t think of one Apple product I own — except for the new iPod Classic I just bought yesterday on Amazon for $228 as part of their after-Thanksgiving-day sale (aka Black Friday in the retail industry — they’re finally in the black for the year!). Now, to wait the 1-2 weeks for it to arrive via free shipping! I won a Creative MuVo MP3 player a couple of years ago, but never really found it user-friendly, and it didn’t hold many podcasts at 1GB.

The iPod Classic 80GB I just grabbed should take the 15GB of podcasts I currently have sitting on my laptop in stride, with plenty of room for a few tunes when I feel like a break (and also a few videos here and there). I keep running into podcast episodes that run over the 74-minute mark (1hr 14 min), and thus won’t fit on a CD. Plus, I’m tired of burning podcasts onto CD, not just because I only listen to them once, but because burning them to CD (fitting as many as possible in each playlist and labeling each disc) is a royal pain. The podcasts I listen to are good enough to be worth the effort, and I’ve patiently waited for over a year to have the money available for an iPod. It’s part Christmas present from my wife, and part me getting rid of about half of the 31 domain names I own (~$10/yr for one is not much, but ~$310 for 31 makes a much bigger dent!).

The domain names I am not renewing are, sadly, some pretty nice domains. Some are reasonably old, and all are reasonably good if you have an interest in the genre (ranging from Christianity to long distance services to Star Trek, and a few others in-between). If I let them expire, they will probably be registered by some domain-squatter and used for advertising, which I’d rather not do. So, I am considering the best way to dispose of the domains from our budget without literally tossing them out! Should I list them on a domain auction site? That’s probably not a bad idea, but I could also list them here. I’m not necessarily looking to make a killing, but a few bucks on top of the registrar transfer fee would help to offset the years I have paid for the domains (some just a few years, but my first domain is from back when Network Solutions had a monopoly and charged $100 for two years up front!). Any thoughts? Should I list them here? I have ten domains that I am for sure not renewing, and they all expire within the next year (some as soon as December).

  • 1

    You finally got one!

    Kristin on November 24th, 2007
  • 2

    i am sure one of the domain names you are squatting on are jasonmlee.com and jasonlee,com…..

    Jason on November 27th, 2007